
Categories: catching up, check in, good day, good times

That’s it.   That’s the post. I sit here from time to time and catch myself…. smiling. I want to spend as much time and effort extolling this place where I’ve arrived as I spent lamenting not being here.  One where my soul is not in a vice grip.  Where I don’t feel put upon every … Read More


Categories: check in

On September 9, 2021 I blogged : I really look forward to being able to look back at this time and have that “a-ha” moment where I’m like… SEEE???  NOW it makes sense. I can’t say that it’s definitely ALL making sense… but I think I can verify now that the light at the end … Read More

The Number You Have Reached…

Categories: death, makin moves, media, my history, news and politic

I have always been a radio girl. I may not have always studied each and every song as hard as others: knowing the producers and writers and performers of every single song; knowing when they were released and if they were reprises; knowing the origin of every breakbeat and every sample.  But my radio was … Read More

Does anyone get saved?

Categories: bad day, caretaker

My daughter asked me if I’ll be updated ThoughtsDaughter.   I told her I would.  I wondered why she asked.   Maybe she’s been reading.  All good either way. Here’s me sticking to my promise. I was holding it together for the last… 48 hours  and the thought crossed my mind… Does anyone get saved? Will anyone … Read More


Categories: check in

not even going to stay up till midnight on this one.   *

Priority: 0 / Solar Flares

Categories: check in

It’s interesting to realize the day when you are no longer anyone’s priority. Hopefully, in life, there is a span of time where someone holds you in the kind of regard where you are paramount in their thoughts and actions. That your well-being and mental health are considered before they move forward. Maybe a mom, … Read More

Caringbridge – September 15, 2021

Categories: check in

And now… a message from our Superhero ?? I know it’s been 2 weeks since our last update.   Earl recorded the message on Monday night after two weeks of consistent work with physical, occupational, and speech therapists making visits to our home.   His movement improved so much so that we were starting to integrate weights … Read More

Dread. Every day.

Categories: bad day, catching up, stroke

Used to be that I dreaded the return to workday.   Whether it was the Monday after a regular weekend or the Tuesday after a long one.   The day before, right around 5PM or so, I’d get this cloud hanging over me, reminding me that the respite was over.  It was time to lend my full … Read More

Caringbridge – August 31, 2021

Categories: check in

Hello family – just wanted to peek my head in with a little update.  It’s been a week since Earl came home from Mt. Sinai.  In that week, progress has been made in the right direction.  Where he is today in comparison to where he was last week is like night and day and the … Read More

Caringbridge – August 24, 2021

Categories: check in

I had planned on making an update on Earl’s progress last night, but yesterday was such a long day that I passed out before I could.  But now I realize it’s because the universe had a bigger and better announcement coming our way. EARL IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!!! Per the doctors and the physical therapists, he … Read More