Texas Shenanigans

Categories: shenanigans, sorority stuffs, traveling

It took me two days to start writing again because I really haven’t had a minute for myself. I am here in my hotel room (which is pretty okay) and I’m on a “break”. And I put break in parentheses because this whole weekend is a break to me. As far as Boule is concerned, … Read More

Texas Bound

Categories: really? nothing, sorority stuffs, traveling

Well, I’m on this plane on my way to Texas… the take off was a little shaky and had nervous for a second. But I guess since we reached 10,000 feet, I’ll be okay till we have to start touching down. I’m hoping this guy doesn’t try any of that hotshot shit that the pilot … Read More

Meet Joe Black

Categories: why am i doing this again?

I’m here from a long day’s work and stuff… and I’m really down tonight. I’m so sad… and I’m thinking it’s my god awful period that is coming. But it’s other things. All sparked off by my constant ostracization from the team during practice. And it’s not even discreet. I am not really the mistress. … Read More