Made for Love

Categories: mommy stories, real inspiration

Me: Why do you love me so much? Her: Huh? Me: Really- why do you love me SO much? And you can’t list the things I do for you as reasons why. I do all the things for you. But why do you love ME? Her: *pauses….pensive* Her: Because I was made for this. Me: … Read More


Categories: real inspiration

I think I killed my muse. You have no idea how many times I’ve come to this page and stared at the screen… and nothing flowed through. I think it’s got to be a combination of Time Warner’s suckass service; thought-overload (close cousin to information-constipation) and not knowing where to begin. My baby has asked … Read More


Categories: celebrations, esteem, figuring it out, real inspiration

So I usually use the 24 hours of a new year to give me an indicator of what the rest of the year will be like. It never really works, but at least it helps me to define a positive outlook on the rest of the year before it starts. I’ve gotten, in the last … Read More

Positive & Motivating

Categories: family, real inspiration

I got this email from my cousin Ollie today. And I haven’t been able to get it together since. When I can get it together, I’ll come back and comment. *sigh* Dear Ms. Cantave: I am writing to you today to thank you for something you may or may not know that you have done … Read More

So Moved … to Be

Categories: music, real inspiration

starting at 4:34 off of Common’s new album… recited by Pops Be Be here Be there Be that Be this Be grateful for life Be grateful to life Be gleeful everyday for being the best swimmer among 500,000 Benign Be you Be mom’s bean pie Be lil’ black Sambo, with bad hair Be aware of … Read More

I Need a Drink

Categories: bad day, real inspiration, why am i doing this again?, work crap

I didn’t anticipate my day going this way. I thought it would be much smoother, but it was riddled with pseudo-drama and I just wasn’t ready for the stupidity. Getting here this morning at 10 and finding the door to my office being closed still was my FIRST sign of a bad day ensuing. Of … Read More