All Through The Night

Reppin’ to the fullest for Queens, NY
I’m thinking I’m going to use the phenomenon I expressed in the previous blog to get me on here every day. I’ve been kind of trapped in my own head and I’m battling to get out. It’s not a bad thing… I just miss blogging. It’s freeing.
So the premise I’ll use to get some thoughts out every day is the Song of the Day in my head. I wake up every single morning with one song in my head. I usually don’t know where it came from. Sometimes it’s because I heard the song some time during the day. Usually? I don’t and it’s an offshoot of my dreams or the very last discussion I had before I went to sleep. And usually, it’s a song I’ve not thought about in AGES. Which gives just a touch more testimony to the amazing data space in our minds that we’ve yet to harness. I’m positive in my head I have cataloged over a million songs. And all I need is just a few notes from it to completely jog my memory of the song and it’s like i never forgot it. Earl marvels at this phenomenon when we watch TV. I know THE MOST obscure songs and he just sits there counting them off while I sing “Twenty two thousand, six hundred and forty three…” he’ll mumble as I belt off yet another song that he knows nothing of.
The funny thing (and this is just a bit of an aside) is how much a part of my life singing and performing used to be… and how much so many people in my life now have no idea that I can LOL! It truly took a back seat to becoming an adult and getting a job and making a living… But don’t catch me in the shower… or in my car… or alone with the stereo. Some folks have indulged with me (*winks at Kimmy for our numerous wonderous car duets*) and some folks have gotten in trouble with me (*smiles at Max cause my neighbor put a kabosh on our musical evening that time*) and some just listen and enjoy on rides home or away. I’ll never get too far from how music makes me feel. It was said best in “August Rush” (great movie, by the way) that you can’t give up on your music because it’s what you’ll turn to when you’re feeling sad or need to regroup and definitely what you’ll use to express your happiness and excitement. 9 times out of 10, if I cite a song to anyone… it’s not really JUST for the music… there’s a message I want them to hear in the words coupled with the flow of the song. I thought everyone was this way, but it might just be me… which is why I think very carefully before I tell anyone “Hey… have you heard this song?” Because once they listen to it… I want them to know that had I the chops? I would have written that for them but since that artist beat me to it… here is what I’d like to say to you… so really listen. Words escape me a lot. Thank GOD for singers and songwriters.
Back to the In high school I shared a respectful observance of my best friend Nicky’s obsession with Cyndi Lauper. It was easy not to take her seriously back then with the multicolored crazy version of Madonna’s virgin. And all the hiccuping sounds, funky body gyrations and the nasal weirdness that she purposefully put forth. But if you leaned in just a touch closer past all of that… she’s a POWER HOUSE. An 8 octave range achieved EFFORTLESSLY (you RARELY see that anymore), a musician with proficiency in guitar, piano, trombone, electric bass, percussion and as demonstrated on American Idol – Appalachian dulcimer. She writes and produces her own lyrics and music. All that to say is that she’s a force to be reckoned with. Hanging out with Nicky gave me an in depth look into her catalog – one that I wouldn’t have had if he hadn’t been there to help. So last nights song is courtesy of Cyndi – “All Through the Night”. However, there are 2 other Cyndi songs that I love and never got enough play at all that I’ll try to include in the listing below just to open up minds to something new (no message here folks LOL). The first is “I’m Gonna Be Strong” – the original one- off her first album “Blue Angel” – this didn’t get any radio play as far as I remember, however, I still have the black cassette tape TDK with the white label that Nicky made for me and how often I RAN that song after one particular break up. Some songs are really therapeutic that way. The second is “I Drove All Night” which is innately sensual and inviting and I feel in this song, she didn’t try to disguise her talent behind any gimmick or strangeness. She let you have it all the way.
Okay folks – enjoy my trip back to the 80s
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