Caringbridge – August 24, 2021

Categories: check in

I had planned on making an update on Earl’s progress last night, but yesterday was such a long day that I passed out before I could.  But now I realize it’s because the universe had a bigger and better announcement coming our way. EARL IS COMING HOME TOMORROW!!! Per the doctors and the physical therapists, he … Read More

Caringbridge – August 19, 2021

Categories: check in

YES!!  He got approved for Acute Therapy by his insurance… WOO HOO!!!!    (BeeTeeDubs: The Angiogram showed him to have a PERFECT HEART  – was there any doubt? – no tears, no blockages, perfect flow… beautiful.  And NOT the cause of the stroke).  So YAY… but… well damb… what was it then??? Now begins the clock on about … Read More

Caringbridge – August 18, 2021

Categories: check in

Our superhero is getting stronger every day.   His speech is becoming more fluid and he is showing signs of being ready to take on the work that will be needed for his restoration.    Right before penning this entry, they called Earl down for his last test.  Today, they are doing one final procedure called … Read More

Caringbridge – August 15, 2021

Categories: check in

Yesterday, I’m grateful to have been visiting with him at just the right time.   While I was there caring for him (getting him fed, helping him get cleaned up, changing his bed linens) two doctors from Neurology came to visit and take some time to explain things.   When I tell you how empowering that 1/2 … Read More

Caringbridge – How it’s been Going

Categories: check in

Since admitting him Sunday night, he’s had a battery of blood tests and other medical tests (MRI, CAT Scan, Echocardiogram etc).  On Tuesday they finally declared that he did indeed have a stroke.  This stroke was caused by a narrowing of an artery in his brain (as compared to a blockage).   The conundrum they can’t … Read More

Caringbridge – How it Started Day 2&3

Categories: check in

Saturday was a weird day.   He was a bit slow, feeling like he was unsteady and wanting to be mindful not to make any missteps.   But fully communicative and interacting with all of us. He got behind the wheel of our car and drove Athena to Karate that morning but called and said he thinks … Read More

Caringbridge – How it Started Day 1

Categories: check in

On the morning of our eye doctor’s appointments last Friday (8/6), I was working as I normally do to rally everyone together to get ready for the trek out so we could be on time. Athena was getting dressed and I believed Earl to be doing the same.  Sitting at my computer around 11:25AM I … Read More

Caringbridge – The Intro

Categories: check in

“I’m just saying, sometimes you get a knock on the head, you get special powers. It happens all the time. Read a comic book, okay?”–Carl Naughton, Jr. Talladega Nights (The Ballad of Ricky Bobby) I’m using this method to communicate with everyone who knows and loves Earl – and I know there are SO MANY who … Read More


Categories: check in

A tough couple of days.  Weeks… Months… So – since our “vacation” to Mexico – I’ve been in a serious slump.  Like seriously depressed.   The vacation was supposed to be a reprieve from the everyday that was already dragging me down.  Our trip was supposed to rejuvenate me and give me the energy that I … Read More

Not ok.

Categories: check in

Told the future I was ready.   Universe told me to sit my ass down. This is it.   Must start blogging more – I think this has been THE most sparse year.  I’m withdrawing. Mom would be proud.   *