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or Ketchup… or recap, if you will.

Don’t really have much energy tonight. Really feeling that void. Been trying to fill it with stuff, but nothing is working today.

Recap – I won the first half of my case which released the levies on my accounts. Both of them. Nothing in life feels more restrainging. Now I have to get in there and dispute the debt itself. So … wish me luck.

Valentine’s Day – almost called the wedding off – but we managed to work our way through it. A story for another day.

Charles – Went to his wake. Couldn’t even get in the door there were so many people. His bio was 2 pages long. 32 years old. He lived it with a sense of urgency. What the heck am I waiting for? How many more of my young friends will have to pass before I get off my ass?

Chasm. – I found this image that I used to have on my wall when I was in College.

I don’t really know where it came from or who made it or how I got a hold of it… or the name of it. but I’ve always really been able to indentify with it. And I hate that.




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